Look! ^_^ A collection of pictures that give Kae Ti the... (drumroll please) ...RAGING HORN! The ultimate in sexy pictures of Taichi and Yamato (mostly Yamato though, cause there's more Yama totty on the net) and also any of the other guys I happen to feel are giving me the raging horn at the time. Or even the girls for that matter, but let's face it, Mimi is too busy getting The Horn off Togemon, Sora has a Horn Factor going into minus figures and Hikari's probably never even *heard* of The Horn. So it'll be mostly Matt and Tai. Let's see how many people can catch the Raging Horn from this page! It's infectious! Mouse over the images to read the descriptions. * * * * * STAR . HORN . RAGER : Yes, folks, get your daily dose of Horn right here! *drools* You can send this pic (along with many others) as a YamatoGram to all your mates from the Odaiba Post Office at Clare's Temple. Pass on The Horn to all your friends! Spread The Horn! The link to the Posty Office is below which, incidentally, also gives me the Raging Horn =P. * * * * * Now I KNOW I got these pics of various different other websites, but I've had them in storage so long I can't remember which I got from where ^_^;; If you see a pic that you think might be yours, email me and I'll happily credit it to you, or remove it if you prefer. 
